Quality control in the food industry

HSI for Food Analysis and Control with SpectralEdge

HyperSpectral Imaging (HSI) technology enables a real-time and in-depth analysis of food products and the online detection of quality issues.

With SpectralEdge , you can easily take advantage of HSI technology to improve quality and process control, optimize production processes, and increase efficiency.

Quick Data Acquisition and Dataset Creation

SpectralEdge allows for quick and easy data acquisition from HSI cameras, enabling you to create labeled datasets of food samples for model training in a matter of minutes.

The system's user-friendly interface and the integration with the cloud makes it much easier to acquire and process all the data that you need to create specific classification models.

No-Code Food Monitoring Feasibility Studies

SpectralEdge's no-code approach to feasibility studies allows you to quickly and easily test the potential of HSI in your food production process.

Out-of-the-box ready-to-train HSI models enable feasibility studies with minimal training and setup time, allowing you to make informed decisions about the adoption of HSI technology in food production processes.

How to assure quality control in the food industry

Jotis is a leading chocolate manufacturer that has been challenged to automate the control of the chocolate gloss keeping it consistent and optimal. Until now, the procedure to control the process was manual and highly reliant on the expertise of the operator. Unfortunately, new operators that lack the expertise, often fail to properly check the gloss resulting in off specs products and thus production delays.

Analyzing the gloss of the chocolate with SpectralEdge, they were able to precisely control the chocolate gloss as well as the time spent in the process to achieve the result.

In order to assess the feasibility of process automation, a small dataset obtained from just 42 chocolate samples was enough to determine the feasibility of automating the quality control of the gloss.

By using SpectralEdge, you may also be able to improve the quality of products, reduce off specs products, and increase production efficiency, all while keeping costs in check.